Nearly 50% of California foster youth are unemployed within four years of exiting foster care; more than 25% are incarcerated; and 20% experience homelessness.
Your purchase helps change their lives
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How You Change Lives
A disproportionate number of African American children and youth are being raised in the foster care system due to abandonment, abuse, and neglect. Although foster care is designed to be temporary pending family reunification, Black youth languish in the system 10 years or longer. Institutionalized, these youth end up homeless, sex-trafficked, or incarcerated.
Many group homes are in the same neighborhoods as churches. Christians can make a difference by partnering with group homes and inviting youth to attend their services and join their choirs. Youth are longing to belong. Churches can help, one child at a time. Your purchase helps us provide resources to educate churches about the problem and equip them to be part of the solution.
Why Foster Youth Need You
Only 3% of former California foster youth earn a college degree.
25% of foster children experience PTSD and suffer high rates of depression and low self-esteem.
More than 80,000 children have experienced foster care in California annually.